The Hacker Series by Meredith Wild


The Hacker Series reading order: 

Hardwired (The Hacker Series, Book 1)

Hardpressed (The Hacker Series, Book 2)

Hardline (The Hacker Series Book 3)  

 Hard Limit (The Hacker Series #4)

Hard Love (The Hacker Series Book 5)


Add all the books of this Adult Romance 18+ series on Goodreads.


Synopsis for Book #1 – Hardwired

Determined to overcome a difficult past, Erica Hathaway learns early on to make it on her own. Days after her college graduation, she finds herself face to face with a panel of investors who will make or break her fledgling startup. The only thing she didn’t prepare for was going weak in the knees over an arrogant and gorgeous investor who seems determined to derail her presentation.

Billionaire and rumored hacker Blake Landon has already made his fortune in software, and he’s used to getting what he wants. Captivated by Erica’s drive and unassuming beauty, he’s wanted nothing more than to possess her since she stepped into his boardroom. Determined to win her over, he breaks down her defenses and fights for her trust, even if it means sacrificing a level of control he’s grown accustomed to.

But when Blake uncovers a dark secret from Erica’s past, he threatens not just her trust, but the life she’s fought so hard to create.

Publication Date: September 3, 2013

My Review for Book #1

This book Hardwired by Meredith Wild brought out my inner geek! I’m a child of the 90’s internet generation so to read a romance with a billionaire hacker was a refreshing change! The female lead also was CEO to an internet fashion social media startup! This is my kind of book and I loved it!  It is one of those angsty possessive billionaire romances and I couldn’t get enough of it!

There have been other books over the last 12 months that have the same premise as this book, but I think this book too it a step further.  I loved the interaction between the rich hacker and the internet social media startup CEO.  I thought they both held their ground.  This book is right alone the lines of the books I’m reading at the moment so it was a great choice!

What drew me to read this book was the fact that both main characters were strong, smart & independent!

This is one of those series that can only get better and better!  I love the idea and premise and can’t wait for more!

I read this book very quickly because I just couldn’t put it down!  It’s one of those stories that just grabs you and you need to keep reading!  Even though this book is in a series it doesn’t exactly end on a cliffhanger, you just are curious to find out what happens next!

I am rating this book 4.5 stars because I loved the idea of it and I can’t wait to continue on in the series with the sequel. I’d also love to develop more on the side character relationship of Alli & Heath.


Synopsis for Book #2 – Hardpressed

In Hardpressed, the highly anticipated second book of the Hacker Series that began with Hardwired, Blake and Erica face threats that put both their love and their lives on the line.Despite Blake Landon’s controlling ways, the young and wealthy hacker finally won the trust of the woman he loves. Internet entrepreneur Erica Hathaway broke down the walls that kept her from opening her heart and her business to Blake.Ready to start this new chapter in her life, Erica is determined not to let anything come between them, even if that means giving Blake back some of the control he craves in and out of the bedroom.But when demons from her past threaten their future, Erica makes a decision that could change their lives forever.

Publication Date: December 9, 2013

My Review for Book #2

This is the second book in The Hacker Series by Meredith Wild.  I loved the first book Hardwired and can say the same for the 2nd book in the series titled Hardpressed.  I really enjoying continuing the story of Blake & Erica.  I thought the development of the characters was good and the book kept me interested the whole time.  I am looking forward to the next book in the series.


Synopsis for Book #3 – Hardline

Software mogul Blake Landon has met his match in headstrong Erica Hathaway. While his controlling nature and her independent spirit continue to battle, Blake has no intention of letting her out of his life again.  Erica has given Blake her trust and her love, determined that they will conquer any challenges together. But when he demands more and tests the boundaries of her commitment, she is forced to face the dark desires he’s kept hidden.  As their bonds grow tighter, their  enemies close in. With Erica’s start-up in danger, Blake’s frustration grows as he tries to protect her from those who would ruin her only to get to him. Can their relationship survive when Blake’s enemies cross the line and threaten more than her livelihood?

My Review for Book #3

I really struggled with this book.  I took about a year break before this one came out and I had to put it down several times and skim through the sex scenes which I would normally never do.  It was a bit too slow for my liking especially after the action of the first 2 in the series.  I am giving this one 3 stars because I like the premise and I did read the 4th book after this one because I still want to find out what happens in the rest of the series.


Synopsis for Book #4 – Hard Limit

Blake Landon is a man who has everything—wealth, good looks, and the love of Erica Hathaway. The power couple has been through hell and back, and when life has torn them apart, somehow they have always found their way back to each other, more in love and stronger than ever.Erica has never been more ready to say I do. On the verge of making the ultimate commitment, she uncovers an unsettling chapter of Blake’s history. As she makes peace with her own past and the family who left her behind, she presses Blake to tear down the last walls between them. Determined to know the man he once was, she opens a door to a world beyond her wildest imagination—a world that has her questioning the limits of her own desires.As danger lurks and dark secrets come to light, will the past destroy their promise of forever?

My Review for Book #4

After the disappointment in book #3, I was hesitant to read this one.  I have to admit that I enjoyed this one a lot more than #3.  There was action and I didn’t find myself skipping through this book as much as the last one.   I thought that the relationship between Blake & Erica developed well and I am looking forward to finishing up Blake & Erica’s story after book #5.  The final book in the series which is called Hard Love should tidy up the series nicely with all the predictable stuff I imagine (ie. kids).  I am however looking forward to it which is why I’ve given #4 a 4 star rating because it has grabbed me enough to read the next one.


Synopsis for Book #5 – Hard Love 

Days after their nuptials, Blake and Erica Landon embark on their honeymoon—a journey that deepens their bonds and promises to fade the scars of their past.

Just when their troubles seem safely behind them, scandal surrounding would-be Governor Daniel Fitzgerald’s election threatens their newfound peace. Back home, Blake finds himself at the center of the controversy, haunted by the transgressions of his hacker past that he has no wish to relive.

With Blake’s freedom at stake and their future in peril, Erica will stop at nothing to clear his name. But when Blake defies the authorities and refuses to seek out the truth, their world gradually begins to crumble. Will he let his past win? Or can Erica convince him that their life together is worth fighting for—now more than ever…

My Review for Book #5

Coming soon……


Meet the Author

Meredith Wild

Meredith Wild is a USA Today and international bestselling author of erotic romance.  She lives in Boston with her husband and three children. When she’s not writing or interacting with fans, she’s working with high-tech startups.

Meredith Wild picked up her first romance novel at the tender age of twelve, and shortly after put pen to word processor and made her first attempt at writing a love story inspired by those she so enjoyed reading well past her bedtime.

Her dream of writing took a back seat to college, parenthood and eventually entrepreneurship, which led her into the fast-paced and male-dominated high tech industry.  With enough life experience for a few lifetimes, she now devotes her hours to writing contemporary adult romance, with a hint of kink.

Her debut novel Hardwired tells the story of billionaire bad boy, Blake Landon, and the object of his obsession, strong-willed tech startup CEO, Erica Hathaway. Hardwired will be the first of the Hardwired Series, while writing is underway for the second instalment, Hardpressed.

When she isn’t writing or mothering, Meredith can be found sunbathing with an adult beverage.


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Author Interview

  • Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

My life goal since childhood has been to simply be happy. With that in mind, every day I try to push my dreams forward, learn new lessons and make the most of every day, all with varying degrees of success.  At the end of the day I’m a wife, a mother, an entrepreneur and a thirty-something woman trying to be happy. So far, so good.


  • Can you tell us about your challenges in getting your first book published?

The main challenge of bringing the book to market was believing that I could write and finish it. Mainly because my life is non-stop hectic and making time for this new project was a daily challenge.  Also, writing Hardwired was an incredibly emotional journey for me, full of doubts, questions and personal discovery. One day I’d be on top of the world, on a wicked writing high, and the next I would feel like a crazy person for taking the project so seriously. Of course, my perspective has changed quite a bit since publishing and receiving feedback on the book. My mind is in a much different place going into Hardpressed, and I know the process will go much quicker and smoother!


  • As a first-time author, how many projects and stories did you discard along the way to HARDWIRED?


Thankfully, I only had one false start, but the process of starting and scrapping the story was immensely helpful.  Once I got my bearings, I took a short break, a new story came to me and I ran with it. I plan to circle back to my first story at some point and rework it, because in retrospect it has many promising elements, but right now Blake and Erica have taken over my writing brain.


  • How did you come up with the title?

Technology is a prominent theme in the book, and when I was tossing ideas around for a title, “hardwired” seemed to capture the intensity of Blake and Erica’s relationship and also speak to the techie theme that brings them together.


  • How does your writing process look? Consistent with regular amounts of word counts daily/weekly… or more sporadic with a gush of words all at once and then a dry bed for a while?

I typically won’t write anything, or I’ll bang out 8,000 words in a day. I have a hard time getting into my mode but once I get going, I take advantage of that momentum and can become pretty prolific. For Hardpressed I’m setting daily writing goals and aggressive deadlines for myself, so I’m hoping to become a little more disciplined and a little less extreme with my writing jags.


  • If you could describe the HARDWIRED series in 3 words what would they be?

Asking a writer to describe anything in three words is cruel and unusual, but I’ll try. High-tech. Provocative. Temperamental.


  • Is anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?

Hardwired is absolutely a work of fiction, but the story is heavily inspired by personal experiences. Being able to weave together real life experiences with a story that has taken on a life of its own is possibly my favorite thing about writing.


  • Is there a message in your novels that you want readers to walk away with? If so, what is it?

First and foremost, I want my readers to enjoy a sexy yarn and let the characters get under their skin for the pure fun of it. Secondly, I’d like them to walk away appreciating Erica as a strong and sexually aware character. At the core, I wanted to create story about a professionally successful heroine who isn’t afraid to explore a different brand of power play in the bedroom, and I hope that her successes and struggles, with Blake and otherwise, resonate with the readers.


  • Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in any way either growing up or as an adult?

I can’t say that a single book shaped me, having read and appreciated so many great works. As a writer, however, one book that I love coming back to is Julia Cameron’s The Right to Write. Her thoughts on creative writing are poignant, timeless, and successfully pull me out of any kind of writing funk I might find myself in. I’d highly recommend it for any writer, whether aspiring or experienced. There’s wisdom for everyone in those pages.


  • Why did you choose Boston, as the setting for you book?

I grew up in the Midwest and since then I’ve lived all over the country and even had a stint overseas. I’ve fallen in love with so many places, but, like Erica, no place has ever felt like home the way Boston has. I really wanted to bring a sense of place, the theme of home and some uniquely Boston elements into the story, so it seemed a natural choice for the main setting.


  • You’ve been given the task to host a last minute dinner party.  Which authors are on your ultimate dinner invitation list? Alive or Dead.

Oh, I love parties! On the guest list would be Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, Jeanette Winterson and David Sedaris. I’d consider inviting Shakespeare and Chaucer too, but after a couple glasses of wine, I’d probably struggle with the language barrier.


  • Can you give us a little tidbit for the upcoming sequel HARDPRESSED.

Hardpressed will be a continuation of Blake and Erica’s journey through the early growth of her business as they continue to negotiate and disregard personal and professional boundaries. We haven’t seen the last of Mark or Daniel by any means, and their role in Erica’s life becomes pivotal in this book. Lastly, Alli and Heath have a lot of issues to work through if they want to achieve their own happy ending. Many, many good things to come!


  • Beach or Mountain

Beach, with a cabana boy and a cocktail, please!


  • Do you believe in love at first sight?

Love is a pretty intense emotion to feel in a matter of seconds. I do however believe in feeling an instant and unexplainable connection with someone that, if we’re lucky, can grow into a deep and profound love.


  • Book or movie?

Geez, that’s like asking me to choose a favorite child. Hrmmm. Totally depends on my mood. Movies when my brain is too tired to read, I suppose, but most of the time I have a better emotional journey with a book.

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