The Legacy (The Legacy Trilogy #1) felt like a movie!

One man obsessed with power.

One woman prepared to sacrifice everything to stop him.

One war that changed the world.

The Legacy – Melissa Delport

Now for something completely different!  This is the first dystopian novel that I have read in a long time and I was thoroughly  engrossed in it.  I was living with the characters in their future world through the whole story.  The author Melissa Delport definitely has a way of making you feel like you are right in the middle of a movie!

I was persuaded to read this book when deciding between whether to read Melissa Delport’s other book Rainfall or The Legacy Trilogy first (I knew I was going to read one of them!).  I did a promo for Rainfall recently (here) and I really wanted to read it as well (it’s contemporary women’s fiction).  In the end, I decided to read The Legacy first when the publisher said:

if you prefer something more fast-paced with some excellent action scenes then go for The Legacy (the characters really get under your skin).

Ok, that sold me, time to read the blurb and what a blurb it is!

The Blurb for The Legacy

World War Three lasted twelve days. Twelve days was all it took for mankind to devastate the planet and almost eradicate the human race. No victor emerged from the ashes and billions lost their lives.

We survivors lived through the bleakest of winters. A primal existence became the new order, and the little that remained of our humanity hung in the balance.

Then one man stood up and changed the world. I believed, as did everyone else, that he was the hero of our time, the man who had saved us from our own demise. His name is Eric Dane and he is the President of the New United States of America.

He is also my husband, and my greatest enemy.

I grew up oblivious to the truth, until my father found me when I was nineteen years old. He told me about the many horrifying facts that our new leader kept hidden from us. And he told me that beyond the borders the Resistance grew and fought for freedom from the oppression that Eric Dane had imposed on us.

My name is Rebecca Davis. I am twenty-six years old, and in me the Resistance has found the ultimate weapon.

A narrative of good and evil, love and passion, right and wrong – and at the centre of the story a strong woman who is prepared to sacrifice everything for the cause she believes in.

The Legacy is an action-packed, adrenalin-inducing thrill ride which will leave you riveted long after you have turned the last page.

 TITLE: The Legacy

SERIES: Book 1 of The Legacy Trilogy

AUTHOR: Melissa Delport

PAGES: 366 pages

WORD COUNT: 99 160

GENRES: Speculative Fiction, Dystopian, Hint of Romance

MARKET: Adults (with crossover to the 16+ reader)

PUBLISHER: Tracey McDonald Publishers

SERIES READING ORDER: The Legacy #1, The Legion #2, The Legend #3 (due out Feb 2015)

About the Author


Wife and mother of 3, Melissa Delport is the author of The Legacy Trilogy and the stand-alone self-published e.books Rainfall and The Traveler.

She graduated from the University of South Africa with a Bachelor’s Degree in English in 2000

At the age of twenty-four Melissa started a logistics company (Transmax) from the spare room of her flat and built it up to two fully operational depots in Durban and Johannesburg. Now, 10 years later, she has sold her business in order to write full time.

Melissa lives with her husband and three children in Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

An avid reader herself, Melissa finally decided to stop ‘watching from the sidelines’ and to do what is her passion.

I was driving home from work when inspiration struck, and a storyline started unravelling in my head. For a few days it was all I could think about and eventually I realised that the only way to get it out of my head, was to put it all down on paper. I started writing, and that was that.

Blog /  The Legacy Trilogy Website / Facebook / Goodreads / Twitter / Pinterest

Melissa blogs and posts funny stuff, so check her out on social media!

My Review of The Legacy

When I was initially emailed by the author’s publishing company about joining the blog tour for this book, I was persuaded to join because I thought it looked interesting and different to anything else I have been reading lately.  The book and the series was promoted to me as a Hunger Games for adults which drew me in because not only have I recently watched the first 2 movies in that series, one of my work colleagues had just read the Hunger Games books and was raving to me about them and discussing the difference between the books and the movies.

This series seems better to me is because I prefer adult rather than teenage or young adult main characters.  I love that this series has a strong adult female lead character named Rebecca (the fact that she is so strong and has the same name as me influenced didn’t influence my enjoyment of the story ).  This book isn’t classified as an ‘adult’ book in that it has descriptive sex in it, it is classified adult because the main characters are adults.  There is some implied sex and definitely some romance to the story which makes it more interesting (in my opinion) than if it didn’t have the romance element to it, however that’s not what the story is mainly about.

That being said, I really enjoyed The Legacy and I loved the storyline.  It was right up my alley with regards to stories I would normally love in TV shows (I love Star Trek, Stargate, X-files, Buffy and those genres of shows and movies).  I did feel like I was watching a movie or watching a TV series the whole time I was reading this book which I believe the author intended.

I am looking forward to the rest of the series because I can’t wait for the resolution of some of the story lines.  I am giving this book 5 stars because I enjoyed the storyline, the style of writing and it had me gripped throughout.

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SERIES READING ORDER: The Legacy #1, The Legion #2, The Legend #3 (due out Feb 2015)

Other Books by Melissa Delport:

Tour host and publisher:

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Category: 5 StarsAdult FictionBlog TourReviews


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