10% Happier

10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works


Before reading this book, I didn’t really know what it was about, I’d only read the blurb.  I just picked it up off the shelf (well, my audio shelf) and thought ‘yup, I feel like being 10% happier today, this one sounds like a winner’.

10% Happier starts off with some background about the author Dan Harris and his journey to ‘taming the voice in his head’.  I thought it was real and brave of him to admit some of the things he’d done (such as reporting from war zones, then coming home and doing lots of cocaine to make up for the rush he was missing and the depression he was feeling).

The audiobook style is great, it keeps moving at a fast pace and pretty soon into the book you don’t want to put it down.

This book is less self-help and more author journey, so if you are looking for a guide to meditation or something like that this isn’t for you.  If you want to be taken on the sometimes hilarious ride of one person’s amazing life, then this is for you.  It’s Dan’s story, from having a panic attack live on air (I had to google that while reading the book – so here it is if you want to watch it), to meeting with all sorts of religious zealots as part of his job. 

It has definitely made me want to try meditating and even trying to stick with it this time.  We’ll see how we go, I think if everyone was 10% happier the world would be a better place.  Good luck!



Category: 5 StarsNon Fiction

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